Major cities across the nation have begun noticing the rising popularity of micro-apartments. They’re on the rise due to the lack of housing available in the downtown areas of these cities. A typical micro apartment can range anywhere between 200 – 400 square feet, which is considerately small in comparison to the average 500 – 800 square feet apartment. So this sort of begs the question, why would anyone choose to live in such a small living quarter? And what is causing micro apartments to be in huge demand? And how does the rise in micro apartments influence self-storage? Let’s find out.
Let’s begin from the top. How can micro apartments become a viable solution to combat the housing crisis in major cities as well as alleviate some of the monthly rental cost? Well for starters, a typical apartment in or near the downtown area of a major city may range anywhere between $2,000 to $4,000 dollars per month. That’s an insane amount of money just to put a roof over your head. According to financial surveys, more than 70% of Americans spent close to half or one-third of their paycheck into their housing cost. The rest of the paycheck goes into necessities such as food but also in technology. With the advancement of technology, it’s enabled us to access our e-books, data, and information via a computer, tablet or phone. In other words, we don’t need the extra square feet for bookshelves and other remnants of the past necessities within the living quarters. With the reduced square feet in the living quarters, surely the cost of rent will also be reduced. So as a solution to not only save space and reduce the cost of living, micro-apartments have become viable and sought after solution. Times are definitely changing and millennials are at the forefront of this change and they’re looking to pave a new direction.
On the psychological side of this micro-apartment movement, we have to understand that people have a really strong desire for wanting a place of their own. It’s a huge signifier that you’ve reached a certain stage in life and it also gives you an opportunity for privacy. Micro-apartments are becoming the next alternative to owning a property of their own. Especially since the average cost of a home is well beyond most typical American’s budget range, let alone a regular sized apartment or loft. Micro-apartments ring true to the phrase, “less is more”.
Micro-apartments are typically built in or close to the downtown areas of major cities so everything is in close proximity. Although your living quarters are reduced significantly, it’s made up in other aspects such as shorter distance to and from work, groceries, and if you’re a green environmentalist that’s a huge bonus. Most micro-apartments are also built with a communal layout in mind. In other words, there are designated communal workspaces and lounging areas. These communal areas are usually themed with a coffee setting atmosphere and ambiance to help improve social interaction and ultimately build a community. Think of these communal spaces as your unofficial living room with the added bonus of making new friends.
With the size of micro-apartments ranging only a couple hundred square feet, there are bound to be some major items and belongings we simply can’t store. As a possible solution, self-storage will become their next best friend. It just makes more sense to spend a hundred dollars on a storage unit to store your belongings than to spend a couple extra thousand on a slightly bigger apartment to hold your belongings. With health and fitness becoming increasingly popular among newer generations, it’s to no surprise why walking to and from work is no big deal. That’s just the direction we’re headed, so if you need something from your storage unit, just remember it’ll only be a quick stroll away.

So if you’re looking for a storage facility to store your precious belongings, SuperStorage San Diego has got you covered. Secure your belongings at SuperStorage San Diego, we offer a wide range of storage units to accommodate your every need. To learn more about our self-storage facility, please check out our website at