Steady routines are vital to successful exercise programs. If you talk to most people, they’ll tell you that sticking to a plan works. But, unfortunately, few people see real success by walking into the gym without knowing what they’re doing that day and why.
The same goes for how you work out at home. You can significantly improve your health, strength, or fitness goals with the right equipment. Of course, a big part of having the right equipment is keeping it well-organized and storing it properly.
People want gym equipment they can use, but that doesn’t get in the way of ordinary life. We all know someone with a treadmill in the basement that’s turned into a toy storage platform. Developing a good storage solution will keep your gym equipment in better condition for longer and make them easier to use.
Storage units are also an excellent longer-term solution for when you’re moving and also serve as a fantastic place to keep seasonal gym items that you only need during certain parts of the year.
Working out at home sometimes means having bands, belts, weights, mats, and a ton of other gear around the house. Deciding how and where to put things can be challenging. Here are some tips on storing your equipment when putting things in a storage unit makes the most sense.

Keep a Dedicated Gym Space
You have enough space for a dedicated home gym if you’re lucky. While not everyone can outfit a CrossFit gym at home or has the room for a squat rack, even finding a corner to keep all of your things is the best place to start.
Knowing where to go helps make working out automatic. This is critical for beginners who, typically, face more internal resistance when they need to work out. Keep all of your yoga mats, jump ropes, and dumbbells in the same area of your house.
Using Vertical Space
Instead of having everything in boxes or baskets on the floor, improve your gym equipment storage by taking advantage of vertical space on your walls. You can install hanging racks, baskets, pegs, and shelves to store your gym gear to give you easy access.
You can hang mats, towels, and other gym accessories with the right vertical storage solution. Obviously, you won’t want to hang anything too heavy on your walls, but at least it will save you some floor space and keep things where you can find them.

Buy Gear that Fits Your Space
Sometimes storing gym equipment properly starts with buying the right gear. For example, avoid buying bulky items if you live in a small house or don’t have a dedicated home gym. You may end up regretting that elliptical that’s sitting in the middle of your living room.
Nowadays, you can find equipment that folds and flexes to fit under beds, in small closets, and under couches. As a result, you usually don’t have to sacrifice much in the way of function, but you may have to go without the fanciest machines if you lack the proper space.
Keep Heavy Equipment Away from Wood
Weights and hardwood floors don’t mix. Even weights wrapped in plastic can become sticky when it’s hot and damage your floors or anything else they’re on. Be careful with any heavy equipment. Always do your best to store them on soft pads where they can’t dent floors or walls.

Use Baskets & Cover Gym Equipment with a Blanket
If you need the gym equipment but don’t want your house to look like you’re living in a gym, then baskets are an excellent solution. Buy some stylish baskets to keep everything in, no matter where your home gym is. If it’s in the corner of the dining room or in the basement, feel free to toss a nice blanket over the top or find other ways to conceal that it’s gym equipment. A little work will make it look like your gear fits in with the rest of your house.
Storing Your Gym Equipment in a Storage Unit
Self-storage units are a great place to keep gym equipment when it’s not the right season or you’re in a transition where you can’t use them at the moment. For example, if your bench press is outside, chances are you won’t be using it much when there’s a foot of snow on the ground. Leaving your weights and bar out there will make them rust and could ruin them.
With a storage unit, you have a flex space where you can park certain gym items and switch things out based on the weather or stage of fitness. However, you also need to know how to store gym equipment in a storage unit to avoid premature rust, mold, and other damage.

Here’s what you should do:
Cover Your Gym Equipment
Cover your items in the unit whenever possible. It will be much better than nothing if all that means is throwing a tarp over your rack or weights. A covering helps lower the risk of water damage, mold growth, or accidental spills.
Store Small Items in Boxes or Plastic Tubs
Small items left in a storage unit for months will do way better in a sealed bin. Label them, so you know where things are and can grab what you need in seconds rather than sorting through everything randomly.
Keep Things Off of the Ground
You should keep gym equipment off of the ground whenever possible. This, again, helps to lower the risk of any water damage and will generally keep your things in better condition, Buy some affordable shelving units and stick them in there where you can keep your mats dry and mold-free.
Lots of people use self-storage units for gym equipment they don’t need. Whether they’re building a new home and making plans for a home gym, or they’re having a baby, and the gym equipment has to go, for the time being, storing gear the right way makes a big difference.

If you’re looking for a storage facility to store your belongings, SuperStorage San Diego has got you covered in this department. Here at SuperStorage San Diego, we offer a wide range of unit selections and top-notch security. To learn more about our self-storage facility, please check out our website at