Wedding dresses can cost a lot of money. In addition to what you or your family spends on your dress, there’s also the sentimental attachment associated with the dress. It’s not like you will want to get rid of it right after the wedding. Sure, you may sell it, donate it, or gift it at some point, but not right away. You need time to think about it.
So many people end up keeping their wedding dress hanging in their closet for years or decades after they marry. While wedding dresses are indeed beautiful, there has to be a better way. You’re probably going to need to use the space at some point, and you could end up resenting the fact that you’ve got that massive garment bag hanging in your closet.

Keeping your wedding dress in a storage unit is a perfect way to keep it safe and in good condition while also getting it out of the house. Done right, storing your wedding dress in a storage unit can maintain your dress so you can hand it down to someone at the right time or sell it if the price is right. Here’s some helpful information on how to find the right storage unit and the best ways to keep your wedding dress inside.
Don’t Use Plastic Garment Bags for Too Long
Most of the time, when you buy a wedding dress, the boutique will send it home with you in a plastic garment bag. Sometimes it’s a polyester blend, but many wedding dresses are sold in plastic coverings so people can see the dresses without handling them too much directly. They are, after all, white, and too many hands-on them can damage the dresses. It’s fine before the wedding, but if you keep your wedding dress in a plastic covering for years, they can emit chemicals that tend to turn the dress or any other garment in them a yellowish color.
If you do some research, you can find acid-free boxes designed specifically for storing wedding dresses long-term. It may cost you a bit extra, but you’ll have peace of mind knowing your dress will look just as good ten years from now as the day you wore it.
Clean It Professionally Before You Store It
One thing you should certainly do before you store your wedding dress, whether it’s in the attic or a storage unit, is professionally clean it. You should find a place that specializes in wedding dress cleaning to make sure the job is done right. A lot of dresses have stones and other things on them that are sewn on by hand. Your normal dry cleaner has commercial machines that may not be delicate enough for your gown.
Find a place that will do it correctly, and have it cleaned before you put it away long-term.

Check on the Wedding Dress Regularly
Don’t leave the dress in a storage unit for years without checking on it. You should visit it at least once a year to make sure nothing is going wrong with the dress. If you spot an issue early enough, you can salvage it and keep the dress in top shape forever. Left alone for too long, it can get water damaged or have other types of damage and become permanent. With a storage unit close to home, you can drop in and open its container to make sure your dress is still in good shape.
Finding the Best Storage Unit for Your Wedding Dress
If you’re going to store your wedding dress in a storage unit, you need to find the right facility and unit type to keep your dress the way you want it. Here are some tips on finding the best possible storage unit.
You should find something relatively close to where you live. Odds are your wedding dress isn’t going to be the only thing that you’re keeping in there. You need something close enough that you won’t regret renting it. Also, you should take advantage of it. You can store things like winter clothes, bikes, and other seasonal items that will free up space at home. Reclaim your garage and optimize with a storage unit. While you’re there dropping things off or picking something up, check on your wedding dress to see that it’s still doing okay.
Depending on where you live, you may want to opt for a climate-controlled storage unit. This will best protect your wedding dress if you’re living somewhere that’s hot with a lot of humidity. If it gets too toasty in a storage unit, an attic, or wherever else your wedding dress is, it’s easier for it to wilt under the bad weather.

Wedding dresses are a pricey item, and they command high prices on the vintage market. People who spend a lot of money on their dresses are hesitant about storing them somewhere off-site and worry that a storage unit could leave them at risk. Find a storage unit facility with good security like cameras, access cards, gates, personalized locks, and possibly security guards to make sure whatever is inside your unit will stay safe.
Most people don’t realize how affordable storage units are. They think they are a major expense when in reality they’re way cheaper than moving into a bigger apartment or buying a larger house. With a storage unit, you can maximize space and stay in a place you love for longer while your family grows or you accumulate more things.
Think about storing your wedding dress in a storage unit. It’s a fantastic way to keep it safe, dry, and out of harmful sunlight. Your dress will be ready for the next generation when the time comes or you can sell it in mint condition if that’s what you’re trying to do. Modern storage unit facilities offer terrific choices for people, and you can find something large enough for what you need.

If you’re looking for a storage facility to store your belongings, SuperStorage San Diego has got you covered in this department. Here at SuperStorage San Diego, we offer a wide range of unit selections and top-notch security. To learn more about our self-storage facility, please check out our website at