It’s an interesting question, whether you have too much stuff. A cluttered house to one person is a home to another. Certain people’s treasures are dismissed as junk by friends or relatives who prefer clean spaces and open floorplans.
Having too much stuff has a lot to do with personal perspective and your stage in life. For example, if you think you have too much stuff as a college student, just wait until you have some kids and start buying toys. In many cases, the stuff you have only grows the older you get.

However, no one wants to have too much stuff. So then, you start to feel overwhelmed when it’s time to clean. You find yourself not being able to use spaces like the garage or basement the way you want to. You’re worried about buying new things because you don’t know where to put them! Drawers are overflowing, cabinets are full, and you can’t seem to throw away things that you aren’t using anymore.
If you’re wondering how much stuff is too much, here’s some information to help you make the call. Decluttering is freeing and is a fantastic way to sort through things to find out what you really need and what you can give away.
Signs You Have Too Much Stuff
Stuff can creep up on you. One moment you’re feeling fine and having fun buying things, and the next, you’re frustrated about how little space you have left in your house or apartment. When your place gets too crowded, it can make things more difficult. Here are some signs you’ve got too much stuff.
Trouble Finding Things
Do you have a hard time finding things? If you’re rifling through piles of kitchen supplies to find the mixer attachments, or you can’t find your batteries no matter where you look, you may have too much stuff.
People should try to keep only as many possessions as they can responsibly keep track of and maintain. Losing something is one thing but having trouble finding something in a sea of other stuff is a problem you should avoid.

Buying Duplicates
You might have too much stuff if you have multiple irons or several vacuums. First, consider whether you need more than one item, no matter what it is. Typically, you’re better off using it until it’s worn out and buying a new one than keeping more than one at the same time.
Stuff Stresses You Out
For many people, just thinking about their stuff is a good way to stress them out. If this sounds like you, then you probably have too much stuff in your house. Avoidance is a common tactic. People will stop going into their cluttered garage, so they don’t have to remember what a mess it is.
Trouble Moving Around
Too much stuff can mean you can’t move around your house like you want to. If walkways or sections of rooms are off-limits because of piles of boxes or furniture you don’t use, then it could be time for some spring cleaning. And we don’t necessarily mean hoarder-level stuff. Most situations, of course, aren’t that dire. However, many folks already live in tight spaces, so managing stuff ensures you can feel comfortable and relaxed at home.

You Wish You Had Less Stuff
One sign you have too much is when you wish you didn’t. So if you wonder what your house would feel like with everything gone, you should likely start sorting through things to find out what can go.
How to Declutter When You Have Too Much
It’s hard to declutter, especially when your stuff is still useful and valuable. Chances are, you’re not tiptoeing around piles of old newspapers or worthless junk. When you have things you like, it makes parting with them challenging.
Still, decluttering, once you start, can feel fantastic and help you feel more at peace with your things. It’s a process that, once you start, you can build into your routine. Eventually, you’ll make purchases with more discernment and only buy things you either really need or love tremendously.

Decluttering an entire house is daunting. Instead, go through your house one room at a time. When you decide whether to get rid of something, take a look at it and think about when was the last time you used it. Ask yourself how much you enjoy owning it.
Avoid keeping anything because you might need it one day. And, if it’s been several months since you last used it, set it in the “sell” or “give away” pile. Instead, work your way through things and try to keep things you treasure.
Set goals for how you want your space to feel. You shouldn’t get rid of stuff just to get rid of things. Instead, imagine how you want your garage to look and work your way toward that vision.
Use Storage as a Flex Space for Seasonal Items
Not everyone has stuff they can simply get rid of when they need to declutter. Imagine you’re living in an NYC apartment without closet space. You can’t buy a new winter coat every year. The same goes for bikes. If you have nice bikes and no room to keep them in the garage, where should you keep them?

Millions of people across America use self-storage units as flexible storage spaces that help them keep a handle on how much stuff they keep at home. With a storage unit, you can store items you don’t need all year or that you’re not ready to get rid of yet. People use them to house family heirlooms, winter clothing, sports equipment, and other things that tend to pile up in a corner at home.
Storage units come in various sizes to suit your needs. They can help you manage spring cleaning efficiently so you don’t feel like you have to toss more than you want to. You can also keep seasonal items there and go grab them when it’s time to get the sleds, jackets, and gloves for the snow.
Living with stuff gets a lot easier once you have a system in place to keep you organized!

If you’re looking for a storage facility to store your belongings, SuperStorage San Diego has got you covered in this department. Here at SuperStorage San Diego, we offer a wide range of unit selections and top-notch security. To learn more about our self-storage facility, please check out our website at