Have you thought about running your own business and becoming a business man or business woman? Or perhaps you’ve already started your business and you’re using your living room or garage as your office space and product storage. With that said if you begin to notice paperwork spread out all over your living room and your business products taking up the entire garage space, then it may be time to invest in a more professional space. However, we understand that “professional space” is expensive and requires a lot of paperwork before you get the approval. This is why we propose that before you make that big investment renting out an office space or warehouse that you look into a self-storage facility. Rather than investing hundreds or even thousands of dollars a month on an office space, you could invest a hundred dollars or less on a storage unit. The storage unit approach will be highly cost effective, meaning it’ll be an affordable alternative to store your business products or equipment and clear up space in your home. This will not only be a step forward in your business but also a step to tidying up your home. Here are just a few examples of what you can potentially do with your Self-Storage Unit.
1) Online Product Business – One of the most sought after self-proclaimed businesses are the online product business which entails scalping or flipping products from major sites such as eBay and Amazon. If you are someone with a hunger to make a few bucks then this business idea is for you. Generally what you would do is find products on auction sites such as eBay or sites such as Amazon that are selling specific products at a cheap price and then reselling them to make a profit. Typically, this process of scalping takes a lot of time. When you find a good product for a cheap price, you generally would buy it and store it until you find either the right buyer or wait until demand increases. In order to find the right seller and right buyer, time must be spent storing and keeping the product in good condition. In other words, this is the time when countless living rooms and garages are sacrificed for a means of storage space. Fortunately, we have a solution! A self-storage unit can help you store multiple items until they are ready to be sold.
2) Business Equipment/Inventory Storage – For many small locally owned businesses, there are a lot of inventory and equipment that are highly important to a business but lack the space to store. Some examples include local restaurants that just don’t have the space store extra chairs, tables or even cleaning supplies in the event that a chair or table breaks. Having extra chairs in case of an emergency breakdown is a perfect example of a well-prepared business that’s ready to withstand unforeseen trouble. Rather than spending a time and effort to reorder a new chair, you can have it stored in a self-storage until it’s time to use. Depending on the type of business, there’s always something that needs to be temporarily stored.
3) Film or Video Producer – Aspiring to become the next big movie producer? Or looking to produce short films to upload onto Youtube to rack in Ad revenue? If you’ve answered yes to either question then this may help you! A storage unit is built in a way where it has the potential to turn into a makeshift video studio. Most storage units have a large enough space to shoot videos. Interesting enough you can also change the layout of the storage unit as many times as you like to ensure you get the best angles! Customize the interior of your storage unit for a more dynamic video feel. With that all said and done, another reason why a self-storage unit is great for aspiring video producers is that the equipment is typically huge in size and quantity. As a video producer is only nature to have multiple cameras with multiple lenses on hand. Aside from cameras, video producers have large equipment such as extended microphones, huge lighting lamps, light reflectors and many more. Now keep in mind, the equipment are fairly large and can take up a lot of space. Rather than taking up your entire living room or garage with your equipment, you can store them in a climate controlled storage unit.

Creating your own self-made business is an amazing accomplishment that you can definitely come to be proud of. Understanding that storing your business inventory or equipment in a Self-Storage is a good business investment means you’re already one step closer to becoming that ideal business man or woman. Storing your items at a self-storage helps create space at home for your self-made business. Here at SuperStorage San Diego, we can help accommodate your storage needs. If you’ve got boxes of items to be sold or large equipment to be stored, SuperStorage San Diego, may be the storage investment solution for you! SuperStorage San Diego offers a wide variety of storage units in San Diego, California to help you get the most optimal storage space for you! To find out more information about our unit sizes, contact 619-262-2828 or visit http://superstoragesandiego.com/ today!