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What You Shouldn’t Store in a Self-Storage Unit

If you are planning to move, reorganize your dwelling, or downsize, or only looking for extra storage space to stow away your stuff for short-term or long-term, you would have found the idea of rented storage very appealing. There is no doubt that rented storage units are a great way to manage your stuff and ensure it’s safeguarding without hassles or stress, many people make glorious mistakes while using their rented storage space. Here is a handy list of items that should never go in your rented storage unit.

SuperStorage San Diego no pets allowed

Living (or Dead) Organisms

This might sound strange, but many people have been found living in and operating their life from rented storage units. They seem to have mistaken these units for rented homes, which are obviously not the same. Rented storage units are only meant for storing your ‘non-living’ stuff. This means that neither you nor your pets or plants can be in there. Even professional gardeners are not allowed to store their plants in storage units.

SuperStorage San Diego no foods allowed

Perishable Items

No matter what the label of a food or other biological material says, it is bound to perish and decay sometime. Stored food items that go bad are very messy to clean up and are potentially hazardous to human health. The same holds true for boxes and containers that have traces of food or other perishable items.

Firearms and Explosives

Items such as firearms, gunpowder, explosives, and munitions are never allowed inside any storage facility. This is because they carry the risk of potentially harming tenants and damaging the facility.

Hazardous Material

Corrosive, toxic, odorous, and chemical materials are not allowed inside storage units. The same holds true for insecticides, pesticides, fertilizers, bleach, aerosol cans, lead paints, petroleum products, and radioactive compounds and asbestos.

Scented Items and Wet Items

Most storage facilities don’t allow storage of scented or wet items because they have the potential to attract insects or lead to the growth of mold and fungus that may damage other stored goods.

Cash and Expensive Items

Storage facilities require you to disclose the value of the items that you are going to store in their units. Any item that costs more than $5,000 is identified as expensive and is off limits for storage. Also, stolen goods are not allowed.

SuperStorage San Diego no drugs allowed

Illegal Items

It is not a good idea to store banned substances in a storage unit. The same holds true for stolen goods. Don’t be misled by movies and don’t think about storing these items in a rented storage unit, for your own well-being.

Construction Materials

Since spare and unwanted construction material can be recycled and disposed of properly, it is also not allowed inside a rented storage unit. If you have trouble in getting some materials recycled, contact the concerned authority instead of stacking it up in a rented storage facility.

SuperStorage San Diego no vehicle allowed

Uninsured, Unlicensed, or Non-Working Vehicles

If you are thinking about storing your vehicle in a rented storage unit, you have to ensure that it is registered and has a valid license. At the same time, the vehicle should be insured and in working condition.

Now you know about what items are not supposed to be stored in a rented storage facility. However, it is always best to clarify all relevant concerns with the facility and understand their policies for the specifications of the stored items.

SuperStorage San Diego | 4773 Home Ave, San Diego, California 92105 United States
SuperStorage San Diego | 4773 Home Ave, San Diego, California 92105 United States

If you’re looking for a storage facility to store your belongings, SuperStorage San Diego has got you covered. Here at SuperStorage San Diego, we offer a wide range of unit selections with state-of-the-art security features. To learn more about our self-storage facility, please check out our website at


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3 Tips to Prepare for a Long Term Storage

Rented storage facilities are a blessing if you are looking for options where you can safely stow away your stuff for long-term. Long-term storage of your items may be needed if you are planning to move out of your city or country temporarily for business or military deployment, studies, or if you have an extensive remodeling and revamping plan for your existing dwelling. Whatever the reason be, long-term storage of items requires special considerations to ensure their safety. Here are the three most important tips that will help you in preparing for long-term storage.

SuperStorage San Diego plan for long term storage

Plan The Storage

This might sound absurd, but you need to plan the entire long-term storage drill in your head before actually starting to pack your stuff. This includes some serious research about the suitable storage facilities, thinking about the pros and cons of different packing materials, chalking out the information that you will put on the labels, etc. The most laborious and time-consuming aspect of this drill is to make a list of items that you will store. Only when you have thought the entire process through in your head, you should proceed to the next tip.


Start (and Finish) Packing

Once you know which item will be going to the rented facility for long-term storage, you should start packing each. There are several points to remember in this process:

  • You should thoroughly clean each item before packing. Even a little bit of dust and dirt should not be left. Use the vacuum cleaner if needed.
  • Apply protective sprays to wooden furniture and leather goods.
  • Use a bleach solution to disinfect the internal surfaces of equipment like the refrigerator, washing machine, and dishwasher.
  • Ensure that all items are completely dry and odorless before you pack them for storage.
  • Disassemble all bulky items that can be disassembled. This will not only make packing easy but also give you more space when you stack it in the storage unit.
  • Never close the doors and lids of these items completely to prevent moisture build-up during storage.
  • Use only new boxes for stacking the stuff because new boxes are sturdier.
  • Avoid wrapping the items in plastic bags because they can retain moisture in the long run.
  • Pack fragile and delicate items with special care. Use ample bubble wrap and fillers. Use corrugated sheets to separate them and stack all fragile items in one place.
  • Prepare elaborate and tidy labels and paste many of them on each box to ensure visibility on all sides of the box.

Remember to keep this list safe because it will be helpful when you take the items out of the storage facility.

SuperStorage San Diego packing for long term storage

Choose the Right Storage Facility

The final tip on preparing long-term storage is to choose the right storage facility. There are different kinds of storage units available in the market and each has its own feature. For example, a climate-controlled unit will regulate temperature as well as humidity and may be preferable over a standard unit that doesn’t have these regulatory features. Ask the facility owner about their policies regarding long-term storage and inquire about the insurance details. You should ensure that the storage facility has a sound security system to safeguard your belongings in your absence. The overall maintenance of the facility should also be considered.

If you keep these three tips in mind while preparing for long-term storage, you will come back to find your belongings in great condition. Also, you will be able to retrieve every item without wasting time and making any additional effort.

SuperStorage San Diego | 4773 Home Ave, San Diego, California 92105 United States
SuperStorage San Diego | 4773 Home Ave, San Diego, California 92105 United States

If you’re looking for a storage facility to store your belongings for the long-term, SuperStorage San Diego has got you covered. Here at SuperStorage San Diego, we offer a wide range of unit selections and top-notch security. To learn more about our self-storage facility, please check out our website at

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5 Storage Unit Tips You Didn’t Know About

When you hear storage units, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Well, when we talk about storage units, it’s often viewed as a moving solution or as a seasonal storage solution. But nobody seems to be talking about how amazing storage units can be during a home renovation. Whether you plan on expanding your living room or adding an additional bedroom, you’ll probably need to make room for the remodeling. Often times “making room” means you got to move your furniture and items away from the renovation site. Otherwise, your furniture will get its own makeover and we wouldn’t want to happen.

SuperStorage San Diego storage tips

When it comes to home renovations, the most common issue people run into is the lack of space to properly store their belongings. This is where storage units come in handy.

When renting a storage unit, most people have the big aspects covered – comparing prices and locations, noting the hours the unit is accessible, etc. Here are 5 storage unit tips you didn’t know:

Take Advantage of the Amenities

Rental storage units are a business. Like any business, the owner offers perks and amenities to keep their clients satisfied. Offering free amenities might seem counterintuitive for a company trying to make money, but getting more clients based on word-of-mouth reviews is an equal hand-off.

When considering a storage unit, be sure to ask about their amenities. Some places offer anything from a free moving truck to furniture covers.

Understand Your Belongings Before Storage

Most people have the general idea of tightly packing as many of their belongings into a single storage unit. We get it; you want to maximize your storage space. However, it’s important to understand your belongings before you store anything in them. Some items may require a climate controlled unit to help maintain your furniture in tip-top condition. Depending on how big your home renovation project is, it could take anywhere between 4 to 8 months before completion. This piece of information is often times overlooked and may possibly help with deciding between a regular storage unit and a climate controlled unit.


Benefits of Climate Controlled Units

Many storage unit facilities offer climate-controlled units for a slightly higher price. You might balk at spending more money than you absolutely have to, but it is something for you to consider if the items you plan to store are fragile or valuable. For example, photo albums can easily warp in units that aren’t climate-controlled.

Storage Unit Security

Arguably the most important factor when it comes to storage units and with good reason. Often times, a clean facility is a good indicator that the facility has security cameras. Think about it, would you litter if you knew someone might be watching you? Live security cameras are an industry standard nowadays when it comes to a storage facility. What often sets a secured storage facility apart from one another is having individual storage unit alarms. This little attention to detail security add-on is a great indication that the facility really cares about you and your belongings.

Reserve the Unit ASAP

If you’re planning on having a home renovation within the next couple of months or years, we highly recommend factoring in your storage unit rentals in your planning. Reserve your unit couple of days or months in advance by communicating with the managers. Keep in mind, storage units fill up fast especially if it’s from a reputable facility with great attention to detail and care for their tenants.


SuperStorage San Diego | 4773 Home Ave, San Diego, California 92105 United States
SuperStorage San Diego | 4773 Home Ave, San Diego, California 92105 United States

If you’re looking for a storage facility to store your belongings, SuperStorage San Diego has got you covered in this department. Here at SuperStorage San Diego, we offer a wide range of unit selections and top-notch security. To learn more about our self-storage facility, please check out our website at


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6 Must-Have Storage Unit Tips & Tricks

If you have ever tried organizing small spaces in offices or homes, you will understand how daunting a task it can be. This is because there is a need to place the right items in the right position to maximize space.

The same principles also apply to storage facilities. Rely on the manager for help determining what size unit you will need. Once your unit is rented, you should carefully determine how best to arrange your items in your unit.

The tips & tricks are centered on overall room utilization. Proper space utilization guarantees that your items are well stacked, secure and easy to access.

So, what are those must-have tips and tricks for storage unit space utilization?

1. Consider Your Heavy Items

SuperStorage San Diego bed

While considering heavy items, keep in mind that you are working on saving space and also protecting your items. Heavy items work well as bases, as they are typically more stable, but always check on their fragility to avoid breakages.

Spread out the heavy items around the floor of the room and then start building up from there. Continue to stack boxes according to weight and how fragile the contents are.

Heavy, odd-shaped items like couches may be able to stand on one end depending on how they are constructed. Use items like couches as bases for lighter boxes.

2. Dismantle your Furniture

SuperStorage San Diego sofa

Have you ever thought about how easy it would be to carry that piece of furniture in smaller pieces? If you haven’t then you should give it a thought.

Dismantled items are easy to transport, store and even stack. The whole process revolves around making the storage space more flexible. Think about removing legs from dining tables or breaking down modular furniture that you plan on storing for a while.

3. Fully fill your Boxes

SuperStorage San Diego box

If you are thinking of protecting those fragile items, then you also have to think about fully filling your boxes. Filled boxes reduce the chances of unsafe shifting of items. Ever had a box’s contents shift on you and cause you to lose your grip? The fuller the box, the less likely that shifting will occur.

Apart from the constant knocks and break, there is also the scratching of those precious items of yours. You want to keep your items in good condition, and to do so, you should consider wrapping the items individually. If one item breaks it is less likely to damage another.

Work on placing similar items in the same boxes for easy accessibility. If the boxes are not completely filled, then you can use old blankets, bubble wrap or toys to cover the empty spaces.

4. Choose the Size of your Boxes Wisely

Take a look at warehouses around you. What is that common stacking procedure that you see? If you have not already noticed it is the same size boxes for the same level of stacking. It’s proven that same size boxes fit into smaller space and are easy to stack.

Typically boxes are stacked largest to smallest. Buy as many like-sized boxes as possible to maximize storage efficiency. When using multiple sizes, just be sure to use the largest ones as the base and the smallest ones at the top.

5. Protect your Items

SuperStorage San Diego lock

Consider keeping your items in good condition even when in storage. Sheets work great for covering large furniture items to keep them from getting dust and dirt. Couches and mattresses especially should have protective covers as they are harder to clean than wood surfaces. Treat your wood items with a nice protector before storing and protect your items by using quality locks for the storage unit.

6. Consider Accessibility

Save on time spent looking through boxes for specific items by planning before moving items. Planning will help you sort out items that you might need sooner. Don’t stack too high and be sure to label the outside of each box with the contents so you can easily find what you need when you need it.

If you have room, try to create a center row that can be used as an access point for all items in the unit.  Remember to always place important things at the front!

SuperStorage San Diego | 4773 Home Ave, San Diego, California 92105 United States
SuperStorage San Diego | 4773 Home Ave, San Diego, California 92105 United States

If you’re looking for a storage facility to store your precious belongings, SuperStorage San Diego has got you covered. Here at SuperStorage San Diego, we offer a wide range of unit selections to accommodate your every need. To learn more about our self-storage facility, please check out our website at



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Prepare for the Holiday by Decluttering

It’s that time of year again to make some space in your home.  Between more items entering your living space, and relatives and friends coming over, you might consider de-cluttering.  Cleaning up for the holidays will make it much more enjoyable for your guests and your life a lot more stress-free.  Even if you aren’t hosting any parties, these tips can also help you prepare for the new year.  Here are a few places in your home that could do with some clutter management.

SuperStorage San Diego kitchen


The kitchen can be one of the busiest places in your home when you have people over.  When you’re baking, cooking, and serving drinks, it’s better to have everything to be organized and not overcrowded.    Go into your fridge and remove anything that is expired.  Non-perishables such as rice and canned goods can be donated to food banks or charities.  Then go through your cabinets and find things you no longer need or have too many of.  Kitchen tools, appliances, and other miscellaneous items can also be donated.

Now that your kitchen is slightly more clutter free, now it’s time to store the remaining items.  Keep things you use every day up front, like pots and pans, so they are easily reachable.  If you happen to be hosting and baking during the Holidays, put everything you know you’ll use in one cabinet that is easily accessible

SuperStorage San Diego garage


Spend some time in your garage making room.  You’ll want access to decorations, shovels if you need them, winter supplies, and other things you might want to pack away once the holidays are over.  Garages are often the place we leave neglected items, things we no longer have a use for.

Give away anything that fits this description or, if it’s no longer useful, toss it out.  You may want to store the remaining items on shelves rather than the floor of the garage.  This will give it a neater appearance.  Anything that still has use or sentiment can be put away in a storage unit for safe keeping.

SuperStorage San Diego kid

Kids Rooms

If you have children, then you’re aware of the clutter that can pile up rather quickly, between games, crayons, books, and toys.

Think of all the items your child no longer uses.  These things can be donated to a local charity or family in need, especially during this time of the year.  Anything that has been outgrown or forgotten will certainly be well loved by a family less fortunate.

Some children may be more attached than others to certain items.  If they don’t really use it, try putting it away for a while and if it isn’t used again then consider donating it.

SuperStorage San Diego | 4773 Home Ave, San Diego, California 92105 United States
SuperStorage San Diego | 4773 Home Ave, San Diego, California 92105 United States

Self Storage is another option when it comes to anything you may want to put away for a while, but don’t want to give up.  Holiday decorations are especially good for a storage unit as they don’t clutter up parts of your house for the rest of the year.  If you’re looking for a storage facility to store your precious belongings, SuperStorage San Diego has got you covered. Securely store your belongings! Here at SuperStorage San Diego, we offer a wide range of unit selections to accommodate your every need. To learn more about our self-storage facility, please check out our website at


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Improve your Quality of Life with a Self-Storage Unit

Did you know that our quality of life can be improved if we’re just a bit more organized? Studies have shown that our moods can be dramatically improved when we surround ourselves in an organized environment. As a byproduct of our enhanced mood, our productivity also improves. It almost seems like the more organized we are, the more likely our quality of life improves. So if that’s the case, it’s almost a no-brainer to start getting organized! If becoming more organized is something you’re looking for but you simply don’t know where to start we’ve got you covered. Let’s get started.

SuperStorage San Diego couch

Renting out a storage unit is probably one of the most overlooked first steps towards becoming more organized. Majority of the time, being disorganized occurs when there are too many things all over the place with not enough room. The reason behind this is because our home only has a limited amount of space. It also doesn’t help that each year we buy tons of new toys and gadgets while keeping our old toys as well.

SuperStorage San Diego couch

Storage units come in different sizes from 5×5 units to 10×30 units and maybe even bigger. Regardless of how many stuff you have at home, there will always be a storage unit that’ll accommodate your needs. Once you’ve picked out your storage facility, we can begin our journey to a better quality of life.

SuperStorage San Diego living room

The trick to a better quality of life is decluttering your home. A little game I like to play when I’m on a decluttering session is to hold 2 separate trash bags. In one of the trash bags, you’ll toss all trash or junk you no longer need. On the other trash bag, put anything and everything you want to be put in your storage unit. So what’s considered trash and what’s considered storage worthy? Let’s face it, if you have stuff that hasn’t been touched or used in the last 12 months there’s a pretty good chance you found your trash. Now I’m not talking about decors and sentimental items. I’m talking about outdated stuff. Let’s say you recently bought a new vacuum and from that day forth, you only use the new vacuum and neglect the old. As the saying goes “out with the old, in with the new.” Make this game a little more interesting by adding another trash bag. For this third trash page, put stuff that could go towards charity or perhaps even a yard sale. Once you’ve finished your game, you’d be rewarded with a clutter-free home with a bit of organization.

SuperStorage San Diego | 4773 Home Ave. Sn Diego, California 92105 United States
SuperStorage San Diego | 4773 Home Ave. Sn Diego, California 92105 United States

So if you’re looking for a storage facility to store your belongings, SuperStorage San Diego has got you covered. Secure your belongings at SuperStorage San Diego, we offer a wide range of storage units to accommodate your every need. To learn more about our storage facility, please check out our website at




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7 Reasons Why People Use a Self-Storage Unit

Nowadays it seems like we can’t go anywhere without noticing a self-storage facility. The reason behind this is because self-storage has become increasingly popular over the last decade. With space becoming more and more of an issue for many of us, a storage unit would be the perfect simple solution. But beyond the space issue, there are several other reasons why increasing numbers of people have begun to use self-storage units. Here are some of these reasons.

SuperStorage San Diego kitchen

  • Moving to a New Home – With the housing market at all-time highs, we’re seeing an increasing number of people buying/selling homes. In this complex housing market, moving to our new home isn’t always a straightforward process that can be accomplished within a day. Often times, there may be unexpected move-in/move-out delays where the new home isn’t ready for the move-in transition. Fortunately, self-storage units provide a solution for holding your belongings until the move-in process is completed.
  • Home Renovation – Whether you’re looking to reconstruct a leaky roof or add on an additional room, the last thing you’ll want to see is debris and dust on your floors and furniture. During these times when your home is under renovation, a self-storage unit can provide a safe temporary solution to house your valued items and furniture. Once the renovation is completed, you’ll have the opportunity to redecorate your home with your stored belongings.
  • Safe Haven for Seasonal Belongings – A storage unit is a perfect place to store seasonal items such as Christmas lights, Halloween decorations, gardening tools and etc. It’s a great way to declutter and organize your garage. It’s also a great place to store surplus items that take up space in your home. This also holds true for vehicle storage as well such as dune buggies, lawn mowers and the like. Depending on the size of your unit and the facility’s policies, you may even be able to provide extra protection for your belongings such as climate controlled units.

SuperStorage San Diego college

  • Gap Year – Many students choose to either come back home to their parent’s house or spend a year traveling before entering the big world of work. In either scenario, many will find that they have nowhere to store their belongings after college. There’s probably no room back at the parent’s home. Who knows what sorts of things the parents might have acquired over the last 3 – 4 years. A possible solution to this temporary dilemma would be a storage unit.

SuperStorage San Diego golf


  • Baby on the way – If you’re expecting a new addition on the way, you’ll need to clear up your spare bedroom and replace the spare bed with a crib. You can store your spare bed, furniture along with any additional belongings that aren’t needed at a storage facility.

SuperStorage San Diego golf

  • Our Hobbies – We all know that a dedicated hobby can take up a lot of time and space. For example large fishing rods and golf clubs, so let’s remove the clutter from our homes and keep our hobbies away from the family. Whether your hobbies are the outdoors or a collector, a storage unit can help keep your hobbies from clashing with your family space.

SuperStorage San Diego car

  • Keep your Vehicle Safe – If your prized vehicle is collecting dust in the garage, keep it safe at a storage facility. Whether your prized vehicle is a car, boat, trailer or motorcycle, you can rest assured that it’ll be safe.
SuperStorage San Diego | 4773 Home Ave, San Diego, California 92105 United States
SuperStorage San Diego | 4773 Home Ave, San Diego, California 92105 United States

So if you’re looking for a storage facility to store your belongings, SuperStorage San Diego has got you covered. Secure your belongings at SuperStorage San Diego, we offer a wide range of storage units to accommodate your every need. To learn more about our storage facility, please check out our website at




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Micro Apartments are on the Rise! And Self Storages are right behind!

Major cities across the nation have begun noticing the rising popularity of micro-apartments. They’re on the rise due to the lack of housing available in the downtown areas of these cities. A typical micro apartment can range anywhere between 200 – 400 square feet, which is considerately small in comparison to the average 500 – 800 square feet apartment. So this sort of begs the question, why would anyone choose to live in such a small living quarter? And what is causing micro apartments to be in huge demand? And how does the rise in micro apartments influence self-storage? Let’s find out.

SuperStorage San Diego Micro Apartment

Let’s begin from the top. How can micro apartments become a viable solution to combat the housing crisis in major cities as well as alleviate some of the monthly rental cost? Well for starters, a typical apartment in or near the downtown area of a major city may range anywhere between $2,000 to $4,000 dollars per month. That’s an insane amount of money just to put a roof over your head. According to financial surveys, more than 70% of Americans spent close to half or one-third of their paycheck into their housing cost. The rest of the paycheck goes into necessities such as food but also in technology. With the advancement of technology, it’s enabled us to access our e-books, data, and information via a computer, tablet or phone. In other words, we don’t need the extra square feet for bookshelves and other remnants of the past necessities within the living quarters. With the reduced square feet in the living quarters, surely the cost of rent will also be reduced. So as a solution to not only save space and reduce the cost of living, micro-apartments have become viable and sought after solution. Times are definitely changing and millennials are at the forefront of this change and they’re looking to pave a new direction.

SuperStorage San Diego Major City

On the psychological side of this micro-apartment movement, we have to understand that people have a really strong desire for wanting a place of their own. It’s a huge signifier that you’ve reached a certain stage in life and it also gives you an opportunity for privacy. Micro-apartments are becoming the next alternative to owning a property of their own. Especially since the average cost of a home is well beyond most typical American’s budget range, let alone a regular sized apartment or loft. Micro-apartments ring true to the phrase, “less is more”.

SuperStorage San Diego Apartment

Micro-apartments are typically built in or close to the downtown areas of major cities so everything is in close proximity. Although your living quarters are reduced significantly, it’s made up in other aspects such as shorter distance to and from work, groceries, and if you’re a green environmentalist that’s a huge bonus. Most micro-apartments are also built with a communal layout in mind. In other words, there are designated communal workspaces and lounging areas. These communal areas are usually themed with a coffee setting atmosphere and ambiance to help improve social interaction and ultimately build a community. Think of these communal spaces as your unofficial living room with the added bonus of making new friends.

SuperStorage San Diego Micro Apartment Bird-Eyes View

With the size of micro-apartments ranging only a couple hundred square feet, there are bound to be some major items and belongings we simply can’t store. As a possible solution, self-storage will become their next best friend. It just makes more sense to spend a hundred dollars on a storage unit to store your belongings than to spend a couple extra thousand on a slightly bigger apartment to hold your belongings. With health and fitness becoming increasingly popular among newer generations, it’s to no surprise why walking to and from work is no big deal. That’s just the direction we’re headed, so if you need something from your storage unit, just remember it’ll only be a quick stroll away.

SuperStorage San Diego | 4773 Home Ave, San Diego, California 92105 United States
SuperStorage San Diego | 4773 Home Ave, San Diego, California 92105 United States

So if you’re looking for a storage facility to store your precious belongings, SuperStorage San Diego has got you covered. Secure your belongings at SuperStorage San Diego, we offer a wide range of storage units to accommodate your every need. To learn more about our self-storage facility, please check out our website at



Moving Self Storage Tips

Top 4 Reasons for Using a Self-Storage Unit

According to the Self-Storage Association, there are approximately 50,000 self-storage facilities throughout the United States. There are also several reasons for using a self-storage unit. Here are the top 4 reasons why!

SuperStorage San Diego letter


We all have feelings, some of course more than others. So when it comes to sentimental items whether it’s an old crumpled note or a giant patched up teddy bear we as people can’t help but feel an emotional attachment. So after a full house cleaning, we tend to find a lot of things that we would likely toss away. However, there might be a few incidences that we find sentimental items that we don’t want to toss away but also would prefer not to have around the house. If this is the case, a self-storage unit can be a great solution. This way, you can have a clean clutter-free home all the while keeping your sentimental valuables. It’s a win-win in my book!

SuperStorage San Diego chair

Moving Home

You know that saying “A home isn’t a Home unless you’re there?”, or at least something along the lines of that. Well, this rings true when we’re moving to a new home. Often times when we make a move, we’d like to go by the saying “out with the old and in with the new.” But sometimes that crusty old couch or chipped dining table holds sentimental memories of your family and without them, it just wouldn’t feel the same. That’s where a self-storage unit comes in! A storage unit is perfect for the in-between phase during a move. For example, there may be times where we might have to leave our current home for a particular reason while the new home is not yet in a position for a move in. Many of us during this in between moving phase may live with relatives, friends or in a temporary living space. However, moving all your furniture and bulkier belongings with you may prove to be difficult or near impossible. Which is why a self-storage unit would be a great solution to this sort of predicament.

SuperStorage San Diego paint

Hobby Equipment

Hobbies are an intricate part of life for a lot of people. Whether it’s painting, playing an instrument or playing sports, hobbies are an important building block for our identity. That’s precisely why it’s important to have our equipment properly secured and stored when it comes time to indulge ourselves in our craft. Especially if you’ve got gallons of paint lying around the house or snowboards and skis taking up half of the garage. A climate controlled storage unit would be the most ideal unit for storing your most precious equipment.

SuperStorage San Diego socks

More Space

Everyone has their specific interests, likes and dislikes. So when you amplify these likes and interests you’re generally left with what society calls “a hoarder.” Whether you’re hoarding as a hobby or for something that peaks your happiness, collecting and surrounding yourself with things that make you happy is a good thing. If collecting decorative socks or bottle caps bring you happiness all the more power to you. Though you may be labeled as a hoarder I think the happiness you receive from your decorative sock collection can easily outweigh the stigma associated with the term “hoarder”. So now you have shelves and shelves of mint-condition socks all around your house and you’re slowly running out of space to shelve them. So do you do now? Well, one solution is a storage unit. Declutter and free up some space around the house to make more room for shelves! Who doesn’t like to have shelves of socks all around their house!? Word of advice, if you’re hoarding collection is around the house I think it may be a sign to store them at a storage facility. Not only will it look more organized and securely kept in the storage unit, but nobody will know that you’re a hoarder!

SuperStorage San Diego | 4773 Home Ave, San Diego, California 92105 United States
SuperStorage San Diego | 4773 Home Ave, San Diego, California 92105 United States

If you’re looking for a storage facility to store your precious belongings, SuperStorage San Diego has got you covered. Securely store your belongings! Here at SuperStorage San Diego, we offer a wide range of unit selections to accommodate your every need. To learn more about our self-storage facility, please check out our website at




Moving Self Storage Tips

How to Properly Store Your Furniture in a Storage Unit

Let me guess, you bought a new, sleek and sophisticated leather couch brimming with the definition of classy comfort. Or perhaps a new dining table set featuring a detailed hand carved floral design with a rich mahogany finish? Whatever the case may be, you’re now stuck with old furniture. A proper solution to this dilemma would be to store your old furniture in a storage facility. Storing furniture in a storage facility is a completely different animal than storing boxes and trinkets. There are a few additional steps and preparation for furniture storage. Moving furniture isn’t as simple as it may seem. So to help our community, I’ve compiled a few furniture storage tips and tricks. Check them out!

SuperStorage San Diego couch

Do you need Climate Controlled Storage?

First and foremost, determine the type of material your furniture is made out of. This’ll help you decided whether or not a climate controlled unit is needed or not. For instance, wood furniture is typically known to chip and crack when temperatures are too dry. One of the best storage methods in ensuring that your furniture remains unscathed during the storage period is investing in a climate controlled unit. A climate controlled unit is a unit that will keep your belongings in a constant environment. Generally speaking, the temperate settings for the climate controlled unit range anywhere from 55 degrees to 85 degrees. Climate controlled units are enclosed units; therefore it’ll resist dust, pests, humidity and other elemental threats. If you live in an area with high weather and temperature volatility, I highly recommend going with a climate controlled storage unit.

SuperStorage San Diego dining

How big of a unit would I need to store my furniture?

This question seems a bit obvious, but the size of your unit does matter. In addition to considering a climate controlled storage unit, please also consider if the unit is large enough to comfortably accommodate your furniture. Now, what do I mean by comfortably accommodate your furniture? I’m talking about ventilation. Ventilation is a critical component in preserving your furniture. When storing your furniture, try not to store your furniture pressed against a wall. If possible, elevate your furniture off the floor with pallets to help better facilitate the airflow. This will help keep any potential mold at bay.

SuperStorage San Diego bed

Have you prepared Your Furniture for storage?

One of the fundamental storage preparations for storage is to disassemble the furniture as much as possible for easier storage. This’ll allow you to make the most of the space and help better protect it. As tempted as you may be to wrap your furniture in plastic wrap or cover, don’t do it. Doing so will increase the odds of heat and moisture damage by preventing adequate ventilation. There are, however, specialized storage covers you may use to keep your furniture safe. Specifically, when it comes to mattress storage, you should definitely invest in a mattress storage bag to help ward off potential little critters. In the case of leather furniture, the best preparation prior to storage is to coat the leather with a protective wax or polish to help reduce the effects of temperature change and moisture. When it comes to wood furniture, you’ll look at a more extensive care preparation because wood is susceptible to splitting and cracking due to dryness. One of the best methods to prep wood furniture prior to storage is coating it with a protective wooden wax or polish. Don’t be afraid to be generous with the polish, it’s better to use too much than too little.

SuperStorage San Diego | 4773 Home Ave, San Diego, California 92105 United States
SuperStorage San Diego | 4773 Home Ave, San Diego, California 92105 United States

If you’re looking for a storage facility to store or preserve your furniture, SuperStorage San Diego has got you covered! Securely preserve your furniture for future use. Here at SuperStorage San Diego, we offer a wide range of unit selections to accommodate your every need. To learn more about our self-storage facility, please check out our website at