Moving Uncategorized

Why You Should Store Your Furniture in a Self Storage

Sometimes you may need to store away your furniture for a while.  You might be moving to a new place, or you may no longer have the space to keep all of it.  Whatever the reason may be, storage facilities are a great option if you don’t want to get rid of those items.  However, there are precautions you should take when storing more delicate pieces of furniture.  It might take some work, but these tips are extremely useful in helping to keep your possessions in working order and looking good when you retrieve them.

  1. First, be sure to make the necessary repairs that need to be made. If any of the furniture is damaged, it is likely to become even more damaged in the process of moving or while stored away.

SuperStorage San Diego coffee

  1. Cover your Furniture. Any upholstered or wood furniture you have can be wrapped with plastic wrap or shrink wrap. Wrapping can prevent furniture from rubbing together and help keep insects or animals from burrowing in them.  If you don’t have plastic wrap, use blankets, sheets, old curtains, or anything else you can think of to cover. Lining the floor of the storage room with thick plastic sheets helps protect both your furniture and the floor in case any moisture occurs in the unit.  Another good idea is to place padding on the edges and corners of your furniture to prevent breakage of other fragile items.

SuperStorage San Diego chair

  1. It may be a good idea to disassemble any wood furniture you have to prevent damage. Wood expands or contracts according to the climate. Remove the legs on tables and chairs, and the headboards and footboards on bed frames.  Make sure to keep the screws, nuts, bolts, locks, and keys in a labeled container with the pieces so that when the time comes to put the furniture back together, you aren’t missing anything.

SuperStorage San Diego living

  1. If wood dries out, it’s more susceptible to cracks. To prevent that from happening, use a wood cleaner to protect the finish. You may then treat your wood furniture with furniture polish, which adds moisture, before storing it. If you can, store dresser drawers and desk drawers separately.

SuperStorage San Diego table

  1. Before you store your fabric furniture, make sure it is clean by wiping it down or vacuuming it, to be sure there is no dust, mold, or mildew. You can use an antibacterial wipe, one that is safe for fabrics. Make certain your furniture is completely dry before wrapping or putting away.

SuperStorage San Diego computer

  1. Store electronics and televisions in their original packaging. If you put away appliances such as these, it is best to protect them as much as possible from dust, so placing them in their packaging should help.

SuperStorage San Diego couch

  1. Polish metal furnishings made from metals such as brass, nickel, or silver to prevent oxidation. Use a polishing cloth and a metal cleaner to do this. This will get rid of any current oxidation and help in delaying future tarnish.

SuperStorage San Diego cat

  1. If you bunch up your belongings, you run the risk of objects brushing up against each other, which could lead to cracks in wood tables or chairs. Make sure there is plenty of space. Start with the largest items and work from there.  Be sure to create an aisle that makes access through the unit easy.
SuperStorage San Diego | 4773 Home Ave. Sn Diego, California 92105 United States
SuperStorage San Diego | 4773 Home Ave. Sn Diego, California 92105 United States

If you’re looking for a storage facility to store your precious belongings, SuperStorage San Diego has got you covered. Securely store your belongings! Here at SuperStorage San Diego, we offer a wide range of unit selections to accommodate your every need. To learn more about our self-storage facility, please check out our website at


Moving Self Storage Tips Uncategorized

Micro Apartments are on the Rise! And Self Storages are right behind!

Major cities across the nation have begun noticing the rising popularity of micro-apartments. They’re on the rise due to the lack of housing available in the downtown areas of these cities. A typical micro apartment can range anywhere between 200 – 400 square feet, which is considerately small in comparison to the average 500 – 800 square feet apartment. So this sort of begs the question, why would anyone choose to live in such a small living quarter? And what is causing micro apartments to be in huge demand? And how does the rise in micro apartments influence self-storage? Let’s find out.

SuperStorage San Diego Micro Apartment

Let’s begin from the top. How can micro apartments become a viable solution to combat the housing crisis in major cities as well as alleviate some of the monthly rental cost? Well for starters, a typical apartment in or near the downtown area of a major city may range anywhere between $2,000 to $4,000 dollars per month. That’s an insane amount of money just to put a roof over your head. According to financial surveys, more than 70% of Americans spent close to half or one-third of their paycheck into their housing cost. The rest of the paycheck goes into necessities such as food but also in technology. With the advancement of technology, it’s enabled us to access our e-books, data, and information via a computer, tablet or phone. In other words, we don’t need the extra square feet for bookshelves and other remnants of the past necessities within the living quarters. With the reduced square feet in the living quarters, surely the cost of rent will also be reduced. So as a solution to not only save space and reduce the cost of living, micro-apartments have become viable and sought after solution. Times are definitely changing and millennials are at the forefront of this change and they’re looking to pave a new direction.

SuperStorage San Diego Major City

On the psychological side of this micro-apartment movement, we have to understand that people have a really strong desire for wanting a place of their own. It’s a huge signifier that you’ve reached a certain stage in life and it also gives you an opportunity for privacy. Micro-apartments are becoming the next alternative to owning a property of their own. Especially since the average cost of a home is well beyond most typical American’s budget range, let alone a regular sized apartment or loft. Micro-apartments ring true to the phrase, “less is more”.

SuperStorage San Diego Apartment

Micro-apartments are typically built in or close to the downtown areas of major cities so everything is in close proximity. Although your living quarters are reduced significantly, it’s made up in other aspects such as shorter distance to and from work, groceries, and if you’re a green environmentalist that’s a huge bonus. Most micro-apartments are also built with a communal layout in mind. In other words, there are designated communal workspaces and lounging areas. These communal areas are usually themed with a coffee setting atmosphere and ambiance to help improve social interaction and ultimately build a community. Think of these communal spaces as your unofficial living room with the added bonus of making new friends.

SuperStorage San Diego Micro Apartment Bird-Eyes View

With the size of micro-apartments ranging only a couple hundred square feet, there are bound to be some major items and belongings we simply can’t store. As a possible solution, self-storage will become their next best friend. It just makes more sense to spend a hundred dollars on a storage unit to store your belongings than to spend a couple extra thousand on a slightly bigger apartment to hold your belongings. With health and fitness becoming increasingly popular among newer generations, it’s to no surprise why walking to and from work is no big deal. That’s just the direction we’re headed, so if you need something from your storage unit, just remember it’ll only be a quick stroll away.

SuperStorage San Diego | 4773 Home Ave, San Diego, California 92105 United States
SuperStorage San Diego | 4773 Home Ave, San Diego, California 92105 United States

So if you’re looking for a storage facility to store your precious belongings, SuperStorage San Diego has got you covered. Secure your belongings at SuperStorage San Diego, we offer a wide range of storage units to accommodate your every need. To learn more about our self-storage facility, please check out our website at



Moving Self Storage Tips

Top 4 Reasons for Using a Self-Storage Unit

According to the Self-Storage Association, there are approximately 50,000 self-storage facilities throughout the United States. There are also several reasons for using a self-storage unit. Here are the top 4 reasons why!

SuperStorage San Diego letter


We all have feelings, some of course more than others. So when it comes to sentimental items whether it’s an old crumpled note or a giant patched up teddy bear we as people can’t help but feel an emotional attachment. So after a full house cleaning, we tend to find a lot of things that we would likely toss away. However, there might be a few incidences that we find sentimental items that we don’t want to toss away but also would prefer not to have around the house. If this is the case, a self-storage unit can be a great solution. This way, you can have a clean clutter-free home all the while keeping your sentimental valuables. It’s a win-win in my book!

SuperStorage San Diego chair

Moving Home

You know that saying “A home isn’t a Home unless you’re there?”, or at least something along the lines of that. Well, this rings true when we’re moving to a new home. Often times when we make a move, we’d like to go by the saying “out with the old and in with the new.” But sometimes that crusty old couch or chipped dining table holds sentimental memories of your family and without them, it just wouldn’t feel the same. That’s where a self-storage unit comes in! A storage unit is perfect for the in-between phase during a move. For example, there may be times where we might have to leave our current home for a particular reason while the new home is not yet in a position for a move in. Many of us during this in between moving phase may live with relatives, friends or in a temporary living space. However, moving all your furniture and bulkier belongings with you may prove to be difficult or near impossible. Which is why a self-storage unit would be a great solution to this sort of predicament.

SuperStorage San Diego paint

Hobby Equipment

Hobbies are an intricate part of life for a lot of people. Whether it’s painting, playing an instrument or playing sports, hobbies are an important building block for our identity. That’s precisely why it’s important to have our equipment properly secured and stored when it comes time to indulge ourselves in our craft. Especially if you’ve got gallons of paint lying around the house or snowboards and skis taking up half of the garage. A climate controlled storage unit would be the most ideal unit for storing your most precious equipment.

SuperStorage San Diego socks

More Space

Everyone has their specific interests, likes and dislikes. So when you amplify these likes and interests you’re generally left with what society calls “a hoarder.” Whether you’re hoarding as a hobby or for something that peaks your happiness, collecting and surrounding yourself with things that make you happy is a good thing. If collecting decorative socks or bottle caps bring you happiness all the more power to you. Though you may be labeled as a hoarder I think the happiness you receive from your decorative sock collection can easily outweigh the stigma associated with the term “hoarder”. So now you have shelves and shelves of mint-condition socks all around your house and you’re slowly running out of space to shelve them. So do you do now? Well, one solution is a storage unit. Declutter and free up some space around the house to make more room for shelves! Who doesn’t like to have shelves of socks all around their house!? Word of advice, if you’re hoarding collection is around the house I think it may be a sign to store them at a storage facility. Not only will it look more organized and securely kept in the storage unit, but nobody will know that you’re a hoarder!

SuperStorage San Diego | 4773 Home Ave, San Diego, California 92105 United States
SuperStorage San Diego | 4773 Home Ave, San Diego, California 92105 United States

If you’re looking for a storage facility to store your precious belongings, SuperStorage San Diego has got you covered. Securely store your belongings! Here at SuperStorage San Diego, we offer a wide range of unit selections to accommodate your every need. To learn more about our self-storage facility, please check out our website at




Moving Self Storage Tips

How to Properly Store Your Furniture in a Storage Unit

Let me guess, you bought a new, sleek and sophisticated leather couch brimming with the definition of classy comfort. Or perhaps a new dining table set featuring a detailed hand carved floral design with a rich mahogany finish? Whatever the case may be, you’re now stuck with old furniture. A proper solution to this dilemma would be to store your old furniture in a storage facility. Storing furniture in a storage facility is a completely different animal than storing boxes and trinkets. There are a few additional steps and preparation for furniture storage. Moving furniture isn’t as simple as it may seem. So to help our community, I’ve compiled a few furniture storage tips and tricks. Check them out!

SuperStorage San Diego couch

Do you need Climate Controlled Storage?

First and foremost, determine the type of material your furniture is made out of. This’ll help you decided whether or not a climate controlled unit is needed or not. For instance, wood furniture is typically known to chip and crack when temperatures are too dry. One of the best storage methods in ensuring that your furniture remains unscathed during the storage period is investing in a climate controlled unit. A climate controlled unit is a unit that will keep your belongings in a constant environment. Generally speaking, the temperate settings for the climate controlled unit range anywhere from 55 degrees to 85 degrees. Climate controlled units are enclosed units; therefore it’ll resist dust, pests, humidity and other elemental threats. If you live in an area with high weather and temperature volatility, I highly recommend going with a climate controlled storage unit.

SuperStorage San Diego dining

How big of a unit would I need to store my furniture?

This question seems a bit obvious, but the size of your unit does matter. In addition to considering a climate controlled storage unit, please also consider if the unit is large enough to comfortably accommodate your furniture. Now, what do I mean by comfortably accommodate your furniture? I’m talking about ventilation. Ventilation is a critical component in preserving your furniture. When storing your furniture, try not to store your furniture pressed against a wall. If possible, elevate your furniture off the floor with pallets to help better facilitate the airflow. This will help keep any potential mold at bay.

SuperStorage San Diego bed

Have you prepared Your Furniture for storage?

One of the fundamental storage preparations for storage is to disassemble the furniture as much as possible for easier storage. This’ll allow you to make the most of the space and help better protect it. As tempted as you may be to wrap your furniture in plastic wrap or cover, don’t do it. Doing so will increase the odds of heat and moisture damage by preventing adequate ventilation. There are, however, specialized storage covers you may use to keep your furniture safe. Specifically, when it comes to mattress storage, you should definitely invest in a mattress storage bag to help ward off potential little critters. In the case of leather furniture, the best preparation prior to storage is to coat the leather with a protective wax or polish to help reduce the effects of temperature change and moisture. When it comes to wood furniture, you’ll look at a more extensive care preparation because wood is susceptible to splitting and cracking due to dryness. One of the best methods to prep wood furniture prior to storage is coating it with a protective wooden wax or polish. Don’t be afraid to be generous with the polish, it’s better to use too much than too little.

SuperStorage San Diego | 4773 Home Ave, San Diego, California 92105 United States
SuperStorage San Diego | 4773 Home Ave, San Diego, California 92105 United States

If you’re looking for a storage facility to store or preserve your furniture, SuperStorage San Diego has got you covered! Securely preserve your furniture for future use. Here at SuperStorage San Diego, we offer a wide range of unit selections to accommodate your every need. To learn more about our self-storage facility, please check out our website at








Moving Self Storage Tips Uncategorized

5 Simple Starter Tips: For those who never rented a Self-Storage Unit before

Let me guess, you’ve heard about self-storages before but never really had any reason to use it until recently. You’re probably also wondering where do you start and which facility is right for you. What unit sizes would you need and what to look out for and what not to look out for. While all these questions are great to keep in mind, this article will help simplify some of these questions to help you decide which facility is right for you. With that said, understand that a self-storage is a great way to save and preserve your belongings. People typically use self-storages for a variety of reasons such as clearing up space in their home or apartment. While others may view a self-storage as a temporary solution for their moving transitions. Regardless of what your case may be, we can all agree that keeping your belongings safe is one of the most important factors when deciding which storage facility to sign up for. With that said, let’s check out the 5 simple starter tips for beginner self-storage renters.

SuperStorage San Diego camera

1) Find a self-storage facility with several security features – such as 24/7 video surveillance, electronic pin access gates, alarm systems, well-lit facility and more. These are some security related features you should definitely look for at any facility. Another tip to keep your eyes open for is how tidy the facility is, both inside and outside. The more well-kept a facility is generally translates to how regulated the overall facility is maintained. This is typically a good sign. Another great sign of a secured facility is if they have an on-site employee 24/7 as it’ll help bring in a physical presence to help deter potential shenanigans.

SuperStorage San Diego pen

2) Find out if the self-storage facility offers insurance – whenever a facility offers insurance, that’s always a good sign. It shows that the facility is confident in securing your belongings. Additionally, having insurance on your belongings is always good to have in case a security breach occurs or your belongings are damaged. It’s highly recommended to ensure your belongings if you plan on storing your items for a long period of time.

SuperStorage San Diego chair

3) Find out whether your belongings are sensitive to the environment – in other words, if you’re renting an outdoor storage, it’s important to make sure that your unit is completely sealed and secured to prevent any damages from the environment such as the weather. Depending on the items you plan on storing, a climate controlled storage unit is typically the best option. Without proper environmental protection, you belongings may be in danger of damages from such elements as floods, fires and rust.

SuperStorage San Diego lock

4) Find yourself a secure lock – one of the most important security measures you can do is to take matters into your own hands. While a lock may seem like the most obvious signs of security, people tend to not take into consideration the lock quality. Keep in mind that some facilities may require you to bring your own security lock for your own protection while other facilities have their own security measures to ensure your belongings are safe.

SuperStorage San Diego note

5) Find yourself a notebook or something to record your items – it’s important to keep a map record of where your belongings are located. This’ll ensure that no one has been in your unit and that it was exactly as you had left it. Additionally, having a record of your belongings is great because it’ll help you stay organized come time to move. Another important reason why you should keep a record of your belongings is in case of an insurance claim.

SuperStorage San Diego | 4773 Home Ave. San Diego, California 92105 United States
SuperStorage San Diego | 4773 Home Ave. San Diego, California 92105 United States

These are the 5 simple starter tips for those who have never rented a self-storage unit before. Take into consideration some of these helpful tips in figuring out your self-storage facility. A secure self-storage facility is important to have as it’ll help give you the peace of mind. Here at SuperStorage San Diego, we have video surveillance, alarm systems and an electronic pin-code access entry gate to ensure your belongings are properly secured. SuperStorage San Diego offers a wide variety of secured storage units in San Diego, California to help maintain your peace of mind. To find out more information about our self-storage facility, please contact 619-262-2828 or visit today!







Moving Self Storage Tips

5 Helpful Tips: Organize Your Self Storage Like a PRO and Stack ‘Em Right!

5 Helpful Tips: Organize Your Self Storage Like a PRO and Stack ‘Em Right!

Believe it or not, using a Self-Storage Unit is actually considered an art form. Don’t believe us? Try it out yourself! Stack your boxes from left to right or from right to left in the self-storage unit and let your creativity run wild. With an added bit of careful thought and preparations, your stacks will not only look organized but it’ll be organized and that’s not even the best part! The best part is you’ll know exactly where you put each item so that it will not be hard to find what you’ll be looking for! Check out these 5 helpful tips in organizing your self-storage unit to ensure a successfully organized master piece! Let’s get started!

SuperStorage San Diego photo

1. Choose One Specific Box Size (if possible) – Having same sized boxes will definitely help make your planning process a whole lot easier. You’ll have a clearer estimation of where the boxes should go and how many boxes should be allocated to one side of the self-storage unit or the other. Additionally if you’re into detailed planning, you may go as far as measure the width, height and dimensions of the box for an even clearer plan of action. To make matters even easier and more flexible when you’re stacking, you may look into boxes that are interchangeable. For instance, using two small boxes that equal the size of one large size box. This is helpful and beneficial for you because you may want to store specific items in a box that you wouldn’t normally store in another.

SuperStorage San Diego box

2. Identify & Prioritize The Items You May Need – Let’s be honest here, there are certain items that you use regularly and items that you do not use regularly. The trick is to store the items you do not use regularly on the lower boxes. The idea of this tip is to have your most regularly used items on top of the storage for easier accessibility. One note to mention is to give extra thought to seasonal items such as Christmas lights, Halloween costumes, Thanksgiving decorations and etc. You may also consider separating the self-storage unit in half with one side having seasonal and frequently used items such as tents, sleeping bags, sleds and etc.

SuperStorage San Diego label

3. Label Each Box You Pack – This is where true organization comes into play. Labeling each box on the top and the sides of the box will help keep you sane when it comes time to dig through your belongings. There are several methods of organization when it comes to labeling your boxes. You can color code each box with a specific color to represent a specific group of items or use numbers to distinguish the boxes from one another. Perhaps even a combination of both color and number.

SuperStorage San Diego list

4. Create The Master List – Some people may refer to the master list as the holy bible of their self-storage unit. The reference is by all means nothing short of excellence. So once you are completed with your desired method of labeling, a master list should be created. This master list will be your ticket to maintaining your sanity. The master list will come in handy when you need to locate a specific item, especially if some of your boxes are completely out of view. With technology becoming more advanced by the second, you can save yourself the trouble of hand-writing the entire list of the self-storage unit. Instead you can opt to using Microsoft Word or another digital recording application to write down your specifics. With all that said and done, if you’re a detailed planner and you want to be extra. We recommend writing down the corresponding box color/number with a list of the items that the box contains as well as the location of the box in the self-storage unit. This is of course, one hundred percent optional.

SuperStorage San Diego map

5. Place A Map Of Your Belongings Inside The Self-Storage Unit – Drum roll please! The last step to an organized self-storage unit is a map. That’s right! A Map! A simple friendly reminder of the interior layout of your self-storage unit is the final tip in becoming a pro. Typically, the average person that visits their self-storage unit ranges between a few weeks to a few months depending what is stored in the facilities. We sometimes tend to be forgetful at times and as a safety measure, a map can help alleviate time spend digging through your belongings.

SuperStorage San Diego | 4773 Home Avenue, San Diego, California 92105 United States
SuperStorage San Diego | 4773 Home Avenue, San Diego, California 92105 United States

Storing your belongings in a Self-Storage Unit is one of the best ways to create free space in your home. Whether it’s for a short-term storage or a long-term storage, SuperStorage San Diego can help accommodate your storage needs. If you’ve got fold-up tables for family parties, household supplies and seasonal decorations hogging up space in your garage, a Self-Storage Unit may be the solution for you. Here at SuperStorage San Diego we offer a variety of storage units in San Diego, California at low competitive prices. Rent a 5×15 storage unit for $175 a month to store your belongings. Rent or Reserve online today or call us for additional information at 1-619-262-2828.

Moving Self Storage Tips

Keep Healthy While You’re Moving Homes

Keep Healthy While You’re Moving Homes   
Moving can be hard work so you want to make sure to stock up on healthy snacks and stay hydrated. Especially during the summer when the heat can get to unbearable temperatures, you want to make sure that when you’re doing heavy lifting that you keep your body cool and nourished. Whether you are moving in and out of your self storage unit, or moving in and out of a truck, these tips will help keep you strong through the job.

1. Keep water accessible to hydrate — If you are moving into or out of your self storage unit, make sure to have water bottles in a cooler in the car. Don’t forget to drink your water often between trips of moving your items from the car or to the car, especially on a hot summer’s day. If you are moving items between your new home from your old home, make sure to have water bottles at both your new home and old home so they are accessible. This is one of the most forgotten items when arriving at the new home: handy water bottles for when you are unpacking your truck for the first time. Having a case handy will keep you and your family hydrated when unpacking the truck.


2. Drink sports drinks with electrolytes, avoid sodas!— In the times when you are doing extraneous heavy lifting, whether it is moving large appliances in and out of your self storage unit or into and out of your moving truck, you want to have your sports drinks handy to replenish after breaking out in sweat. The electrolytes found in sports drinks such as Gatorade and Powerade can help the body endure heavy lifting and long hours of moving items in and out of your home or self storage unit. Avoid Sodas at all costs during moving because soda dehydrates the body and it will give you a sugar crash. Stick to water and the sports drinks during heavy moving days.

3. Re-energize with healthy snacks—Moving is extremely stressful and sometimes we forget to eat during stressful times. It’s important to energize your body during a move, especially when lifting heavy boxes or moving large appliances. Take constant breaks to reenergize with healthy snacks, such as nuts and energy bars. Readily accessible pre-packaged healthy snacks such as nut packages and energy bars are perfect for quick snacking, especially when you are on the go such as driving in the moving truck.


4. Healthy meals on-the-go to keep your energy flowing —Don’t forget to eat your meals! Snacking is great to hold you over but it’s essential to eat healthy meals to keep your body in top-performance shape for all the packing and lifting that moving requires. Avoid fast-food restaurants that have little-nutrition meals and instead opt for pre-packaged salads with chicken in them or sandwiches from the local deli. Whole foods such as whole grains and white-meats will help keep you nourished and won’t give you the carbohydrate crashes that fast foods give. You can always purchase sandwiches from a deli the day before or on the morning of the move and keep the sandwiches in a cooler when moving. That way, you can eat during a break when unpacking your items into a self storage unit or your new home.

5. Fresh juices for added nourishment to keep you moving—Juices are a healthy option to gain nutrients and keep your blood sugar up when having a long day moving. Fresh juices have the vitamins and fiber to keep you going throughout the day. Moving days are long and hard and you want to make sure you are staying fit and healthy throughout it, or else your body will be overworked and you run the risk of getting sick. Fresh orange juice will keep your immune system strong. Local juice shops can provide you with all the fresh juices you need on moving day.


Moving is stressful and self storage can help! Whether it is for long-term storage or short-term storage, SuperStorage San Diego can help you find the right storage space for your needs. If you are moving from a larger home to a smaller home or apartment, you can use self storage spaces to house items that you cannot take with you such as furniture, extra beds, cabinets, or other household items. If you are between moving from one home to another and need to place your items into self storage during the in-between time, SuperStorage San Diego is perfect for storing your items in such circumstances. Here at SuperStorage San Diego we offer a variety of storage units in San Diego at great prices. Rent a 5×6 storage unit for $88 a month to store all your items during a move. Rent or Reserve online today or call us for more information 1-619-262-2828.



Moving is stressful and exhausting. Add kids to mix and the level of tension and fatigue is multiplied. If the daunting take of juggling between packing chores and parenting responsibilities a must this summer while school is out, follow these tips to help keep summer vacation fun and the move entertaining for those little ones full of curiosity and energy.

Learning Through Packing packing-toys-for-children

Kids are hands-on learners. Moving offers a teaching opportunity for kids of any age. Keeping kids actively involved in the moving process not only teaches them skills they will use later on as adults, but will also keep them occupied as they help the family in moving.

Smaller Moving Boxes for Smaller Movers

Show your child how to properly pack using smaller boxes based on the size of their belongings. This encourages them to be active participants as they pack their own boxes with their favorite toys and carry them to the moving truck. Smaller boxes can include old shoe boxes which your child can easily place their action figures or Barbie’s into. If the small boxes can be made as light as possible, you can also have your child carry their own boxes from their rooms to the moving truck or garage. This experience teaches your child to have responsibility for their toys and makes them feel part of the moving team!

The Game of Moving

Who hasn’t played (or at least heard about) the game TETRIS? The goal of the game is to fit different sized pieces together without leaving gaps and without allowing the area to overflow. Add a timer to it and the challenge has been heightened! Moving is a lot like TETRIS. Have your child figure out how to make all their toys fit in a small box. This will encourage him/her to organize all those toys better. For older kids, have them time themselves to see how fast they can finish packing up their toy room! Encourage them to maximize the space of the box by utilizing their TETRIS skills. Congratulate them when they show you that they are applying their game skills and reward them for jobs well-done with treats during breaks. Using games to engage your children during the relocation process makes the task of packing more enjoyable for kids and very helpful for you.

Creating Art on Moving Boxes with Children

After your child is done packing a small box with their toys or clothes have them note what is in the box by writing or drawing at the sides of the boxes. This teaches them to organize and help find that specific toy there are sure to need as soon as you go to your new home. Creating art on the boxes is a fun experience that will keep them both productive and occupied. When it comes time to unpacking the boxes in your new home, have your kids help by having them seek out the boxes based on their own labeling. Ask them to find a specific toy to show them how their organizing and labeling helped you out!


Moving is hard on kids not only because their caregivers are preoccupied with packing, but also because they are nervous about the change. Make them feel comfortable by keeping their favorite toys and activities accessible to them throughout the relocation. A backpack for them to keep around them is a convenient way of not losing track of these items and an easy place for your child to store their items.

Keep Them Reading!

Marvel comic books, bed-time fairytales, or the latest magical series, keep kids occupied with learning. Before the hectic packing and moving period starts, make a visit to the book store or library and have them pick out books specifically for that week. While their minds escape to the far and wide adventures, you can focus on the moving chaos.

Coloring & Activity Books

Keep your child’s creative juices flowing! Coloring & activity books will keep their minds engaged and is a stress-reliever for them. Have them get a head start on the summer homework or make birthday cards for any upcoming celebrations. The best part of having coloring and activity books for them is they are easy to carry and don’t take up much space. Your child can work on them in the car or even at the self-storage unit while you’re busy working in your unit.

Electronics & Learning Apps

With the ever-changing options on electronic devices these days, learning apps that entertain your children while teaching them math, reading or creative thinking, are life-savers during home moving! Managing screen time when you’re busy is difficult, setting up screen time parental controls on iPhones and tablets will help control what they are doing and for how long they are on the device. Don’t forget to fully-charge the devices in case you need it at the self-storage unit or on the long drive to your new home.

Pack for a 3-Day Vacation

Moving to a new home is certainly not anything like a vacation. But, when it comes to the first few nights in your new residence, packing for a three-day trip will make those transition days much easier. Packing, loading, unloading and unpacking rarely come without any hiccups: misplaced phone, forget to empty out the fridge or don’t know who has the new apartment keys. When 9 PM hits, the last thing you want to worry about is where the tooth brushes and favorite blankets are. Have each person’s essentials packed up in their individual luggage and alleviate the night and morning frustrations of a “just-moved in” unorganized home.

Sleeping Bags

Sleeping bags are a crucial must when moving, especially when you have disassembled and packed away the bed. You may not be able to re-assemble the bed frames in the new bedrooms. Keep this in mind and anticipate that there may be a possibility of sleeping on the floors on the first night. Having the sleeping bags and pillows accessible will allow for a quick setup for the night.

Bedtime Stories night-light-new-home-bedroom

If reading bedtime stories is a nightly routine on a normal (non-moving) day, stick to the routine and provide comfort through stability. Have the kids choose a few books to pack in their luggage so you can read during bedtime as you help them fall asleep. For older children, ask them about their week and talk to them about how the move went. Spending some time with them will help them feel at ease as they try to wrap their minds around the big move.

Teddy Bear & Night Lights

Moving can be scary for younger children. The unfamiliarity of the new home can be frightening especially during the dark night hours. Pack your child’s comfort toys in the luggage along with some night lights throughout the new place. This will also minimize bumps in to moving boxes as you try to get to the restroom in the unfamiliar home in the middle of the night.

Take a Break & Explore your new Neighborhood with the Family!new-neighborhood-moving-tips

Soon after your family is moved in, the focus is on unpacking and settling your things into the new spaces. But, it’s also important to settle into your neighborhood. Take a break from the packing for an hour or two and explore the neighborhood. Take a family stroll to the nearby parks or the local store. You and your kids will enjoy the break together as you meet your new neighbors and get familiar with your surroundings. After all, the task of moving may not be fun but a new beginning in a new neighborhood is exciting!

If moving to San Diego neighborhoods near SuperStorage, visit the following links for helpful family-friendly activities and resources:

Explore San Diego–list of local events and things to do in San Diego.

Sea World for the kids— Take the kids to Sea World for interactive learning and a fun time!

For Self-Storage in San Diego, CA

Call SuperStorage: (619) 262-2828 or visit us on our website.

self storage units in SuperStorage in San Diego

Moving Self Storage Tips

Extra, Extra! Storage Units Offer Spacious Options When You Don’t Have Room At Home

Let’s face it, we all wish we had extra room. To have less clutter at home, to store extra furniture, or to be more efficient by organizing business equipment to make your living space, well, more livable! Until you renovate, get a bigger home or move into an office space, there is a more affordable option to get that extra storage room without having to relocate!

Medium-Sized Storage Unit to Store Content of a One-Bedroom Apartment
clutter storage organize

Did you know that a 10’ x 10’ can fit the entire contents of a typical one-bedroom apartment? And yes, that includes major appliances such as a washer, dryer, refrigerator and furniture like a mattress and a couch! Depending on the size of your furniture and your packing skills you may also fit in an heirloom piece like a grandfather clock or couple of antique chests and cabinets.

A generously-sized space, a 10×10 unit is ideal for storing needs in-between moves that will require renting a space for a month or longer. It is also a convenient solution for businesses that have out grown their current storage capacity or are home-based requiring a more efficient way to organize and access their business equipment.

Affordable Storage Solutions for Businesses

Considered a medium-sized option in most facilities, a 10×10 self-storage unit offers a quick and easily accessible option for businesses to store extra supplies, boxes of paperwork, or bulky equipment. From home-based event planners to contractors who service a wide service area, vendors enjoy the convenience of having a centrally located space that is manageable in terms of organizing and rental rates.

Space for Event & Party Supplieswedding supplies storage

Event vendors have to keep up with the latest fads. Which means their list of supplies is always growing. Inflatable fun like bounce houses, Chiavari Chairs, large circular banquet tables, or centerpiece vases with elaborate fillers to decorate a large venue take up a lot of space but are also the key pieces of a party planners business. A good sized storage unit can be used to categorize and better manage the collection of themed decorations. Expensive and fragile items like the versatile glass vases that are used for so many different events can be securely stored without the risk of damage that often worries the budget-conscious planner working with highly sensitive brides. Additionally, a storage facility near their most frequented venues can cut down a lot of time, energy and stress when things don’t go as planned and a quick backup is needed.

Vending Machine Equipment Storage
equipment storage facility
Local suppliers such as vending machine equipment providers deal with large, heavy equipment. Unsold machines and extra servicing parts can be stored in a 10 by 10 unit and moved easier into trucks for delivery from storage facilities that have drive-up access. There is also the added benefit of peace of mind when choosing a storage facility that is equipped with additional security options like 24/7 video surveillance or individual unit alarms and alerts so that your  expensive machines are not easy vandalism targets.



Business File Storage
storage small boxes shelves

Every business has years of records and paperwork that needs to be stored. Even with the expanding need to go paperless, many businesses know how crucial having hard copies of important agreements can be in potential legal proceedings or if their company computers are hacked or infected with a virus. While the need to access these documents is unlikely, if the need does arise, being able to dig up a file in 7 years of storage boxes can become a costly and time consuming task. Storage units are a simple way to place these boxes sorted by year. Businesses can use the space to create a system of discarding older files as they replace them with more recent year documents.

Photographers and Videographersprops studio storage space

Backdrops, photo booths, set furniture, studio props, lighting equipment and camera stands are all part of the creative workings of a photographer or videographer. For professionals who spend so much time on the road between events or shoots, being able to quickly provide a large selection of options to their clients means a better chance of securing a contract.

Storing Surplus Inventory

Keeping up with demands with on-hand inventory can be daunting, especially with unpredictable customer preferences. Storing additional inventory by stocking up gives owners and managers the leeway to purchase supplies in the off-season (often times at lower prices!) in preparation for their peak season demands.

Self Storage Units in San Diego          

Getting that extra room at home may not be a practical option. Renting a storage unit that is sized comparable to a one bedroom apartment is possible! If looking for a facility centrally located in San Diego, a 10×10 unit at SuperStorage is currently renting at approximately $185 per month. To tour all storage unit options and to check on current space availability, rental rates, and promotions, contact an office manager at (619) 262-2828 or visit the storage facility website.

superstorage san diego home avenue self storage unitssuperstorage san diego home avenue


Self Storage Helps Sell Homes

By Paul Reynolds on SelfStorAll

So how can a self storage facility help you sell your house? Do they have some secret well of potential buyers that you just need to know the secret handshake in order to gain access to? Not exactly, but a self storage facility can help make your house ready for sale.

Not everyone can afford to move out until after their home has sold; simple economics don’t allow for it. That can be the problem in selling your home though.

As people go through life, especially when they stay in the same place for a number of years, they tend to gather a lot of stuff. Often it is things that we don’t want to get rid due to sentimental reasons. Even though we may not use whatever it is anymore we hold on to. Those sentimental objects then take up valuable space and make your home look cluttered.

The more cluttered your home is, the smaller it appears to prospective buyers. When people are house hunting space is typically one of the main concerns. If they can’t see the space then they often assume that it must not be there. What you need to do is de-clutter your home and that is where a self storage unit can help.

For a relatively cheap fee (especially when you consider that it will help sell your house), a self storage unit allows you to hold on to all those sentimental objects that you could not part with before. Moving out as many non-essential things as possible will make it easier for you to stage your house in a way that even the smallest spaces can look big.

So if you have been trying to sell your house take a look around at all your stuff and start moving what you don’t need in to a self storage unit!