What’s the very first thing that comes to your mind when you hear about storage units? If you’re like most people, you probably think of a storage units as a place for storing the things you don’t have room at home for but also don’t want to part with. But have you ever thought of gifting a storage unit to someone?

Why a Storage Unit Makes a Great Gift
A lot of people have the misconception that the storage unit is only used for storing furniture and knick knacks, but there are so many other things you can do with a storage unit. This versatility is part of what makes a storage unit the perfect gift for just about anyone on your list.
If your friend or a relative is ambitious and has a hobby but does not have enough space to execute their plans and devote time towards their hobbies, then self-storage units can be the ultimate gift. And those friends and family members that already have everything or are just hard to shop for? A storage unit can help you give them a unique, intangible gift that can’t be bought off of a store shelf – and something they may be longing for.
Here’s 13 unique and special gifts you can give in the form of a storage unit:

1. A Space for Creativity
A storage space makes the perfect gift for the artist or crafter in your life. Gift them a space where they can set up a table and spread out their beads, fabric, or art supplies and without having to pick everything up and put it away each time they take a break.
2. A Quiet Office Space
We all have that friend and wants to start his own business but at the same time does not have enough space at their home to start it or does not have enough budget to buy an office. If this is the case, then you can buy your friend a storage unit.

3. A Space to Zen Out
Giving the gift of a storage unit to a friend or family member that loves yoga or meditation (or could use some stress-relief!) is like giving them their own private oasis. The right size storage unit should have ample space for a yoga mat with enough room on for them to also stretch their arms our side-to-side.

4. A Winter Home for their Gardening Equipment
A person who loves gardening likely has (or would like to have) a variety of specific and oddly-shaped/bulky tools and supplies on hand so that they have everything they need to tend to their garden or plants. A storage unit will allow them to store all of their equipment in out of the way when they’re not using it.
Or, if they’re an apartment balcony gardener, having a storage space would help them maximize their outdoor space at home while giving them enough room in storage to stock up on flower pots, tools, and extra potting soil.
5. A Home-Away-from-Home Gym
Fitness equipment like a treadmill, elliptical, or rowing machine can take up a lot of space – space that your loved one might not have at home. Give them a space to pump iron, stash their pilates equipment, or, if the storage facility allows, plug in and use their larger pieces of fitness equipment.

6. Peace of Mind for the Frequent Traveler
Everyone has that friend who is always traveling to someplace or another throughout the year. The frequent traveler may be worried about leaving certain possessions unattended at home while they are away. Or when they are home, they may struggle to find adequate space to store their luggage.
Gifting a storage unit to your friend will allow them to store things offsite while their home is unattended, and provide the perfect place for their suitcases to rest until the next adventure.
7. Storage Space for Sentimental Items
It’s not easy to let go of the things we possess that belong to our loved ones. But if you know someone who has a lot of sentimental items taking up space in their garage, attic etc, a storage unit could be the perfect gift.

8. More Space at Home
These days, people buy and store a lot more than they used to. Maybe you know someone who buys in bulk to get the best deal like it’s a sport! But they might not always have room at home to store all those savings.
If you can’t give your bulk-buying friend the gift of a larger garage, consider gifting them a storage unit to stash their backstock, or anything else taking up room that they don’t immediately need on hand.
9. Room to Breathe During a Renovation
Remodeling a home is stressful can be stressful, and shuffling furniture and belongings out of one room and into another can be one of the most stressful things about it. If you have a friend starting or in the midst of a home renovation, a storage unit is a welcome gift that will help them feel organized and give them a sense of calm in the chaos.

10. A Place for More Books
A storage unit can be a great place for avid readers to store their books and magazines to clear space at home for the new ones coming in. It could even become a private library and reading room if your recipient is lacking the appropriate space and solitude at home.
11. A Space for their Side Hustle
We all have that ambitious friend who wants to start their own business or already has one going on the side. When they’re just starting out (or are involved in multiple business ventures), they may not have enough space at home to get started or enough room in their budget to rent an office.
If this is the case, renting a storage unit for your friend will give them some extra space to store their inventory or equipment or file and organize important documents and papers. It will also help them be able to relax at home by having their work space and equipment at a separate location.

12. A Secret Hiding Place
Nothing beats a storage unit at Christmas time to hide gifts from would-be peekers. Getting one for yourself is a no-brainer come December, but consider renting a storage unit for the generous people on your gift list who love to shop for others.

If you’re looking for a storage facility to store your belongings, SuperStorage San Diego has got you covered in this department. Here at SuperStorage San Diego, we offer a wide range of unit selections and top-notch security. To learn more about our self-storage facility, please check out our website at https://superstoragesandiego.com/.