Clutter tends to sneak up on people quickly. One moment you’re managing all of your stuff just fine, and then suddenly, you feel like you have nowhere to put things and can’t find where your sewing machine is.
Staying organized is more challenging the more stuff you have, and a cluttered house always seems like it’s in disarray. You can tell your house is cluttered when you’re frustrated by how many things you have or if you feel like you can’t ever keep things clean because there’s no space to put things.

Decluttering is hard work. It’s relatively easy to throw away junk but deciding what to keep and what to get rid of when you have nice things is challenging. If you’re wondering whether your house is too cluttered and what you can do about it, we’ve put together a list to help. Here are some ways you can tell if you have too many things and where you can start decluttering today.
Deciding You Have Too Much
Sometimes you just have to live with clutter. Families with small kids are a great example of people who must adjust expectations regarding organization and cleanliness. Small children need toys, special cups, extra clothes, and school supplies.
As you move through life, your ability to control and manage clutter changes. Your definition of clutter will be different than someone else’s. People have different tolerance levels for how much stuff they have and what they need to feel comfortable where they are. For instance, some folks work better on a cluttered desk. Others need their workspace completely clean before they can focus. It all depends.
Here are some signs you’ve got too much clutter in your house.

You Feel Like You Can’t Keep Things Clean
If you’re stuffing things into overflowing drawers or are constantly looking for new places to put things when you clean, you probably have too much stuff. People who excel at organizing have dedicated spaces for almost everything. There are no jumbles of wires in cabinets or piles of clothing at the bottom of closets.
You Hate Your Living Space
Your home should make you feel relaxed and at peace. You need to declutter your space if it doesn’t because there’s simply too much stuff inside. Pay attention to how you feel when you’re at home around your things. Ideally, most of your stuff will be a source of joy rather than trigger any sort of stress.

You Can’t Find What You Need
Trouble finding things you need is another sign you’re too cluttered. It’s fine if you occasionally can’t find something, but when it becomes a common issue, then you need to eliminate things to stay better organized.
Other People Make Comments
You should never put too much weight into what people say about your house and how you live your life, but regular comments about clutter should be a concern. Unfortunately, people become accustomed to the level of clutter they’re around every day. Sometimes, it takes an outside opinion to ground you and face reality. Asking a friend or a close relative for their opinion may be a good idea to gauge where you are.
Feeling Embarrassed to Host Guests
Do you feel embarrassed about how disorganized your house is to the point where you don’t want people to come over? If so, you’ve got an issue. Hoarders are notoriously protective of their spaces and don’t want anyone coming in because they feel embarrassed and don’t want to face judgment.
You may not be at that level, but if you’re shying away from hosting friends because of the clutter in your house, it’s time to take action.

You Park Your Cars Outside
If you’ve got a garage, but you can’t park your car inside, then you’re probably dealing with too much clutter. The same goes for basements, sheds, and other utility spaces. Anytime you feel like you can’t use them for what they’re intended for, then you likely need to clear out some stuff.
These are just some of the ways you can tell if your house is cluttered. In many cases, people will start to feel like they have too many things, which indicates it’s time for some spring cleaning.
How to Start Decluttering Your House?
Starting is typically the most challenging part when you realize that your stuff is an issue and that you need to get organized.
First, you should set some realistic goals about how you want to live and what you want your house to look like. Overnight change is unlikely unless you’re okay with getting rid of some things you’ll wish you hadn’t. Take things slowly for better results and to avoid mistakes.
Consider each item as you go through them. Start with things that you haven’t used for months and pay attention to how they make you feel. Decide what your life will be like without them. Don’t hold onto things just in case you might need to make pasta from scratch, or you’ll eventually get back on that 10-year-old treadmill. Move on.

Once you get rid of everything that you don’t need, then it’s time to think about where to put them. When you have limited storage space at home and no longer want to sacrifice places like your garage or the guest bedroom, it’s time to look for other options.
Renting a self-storage unit is an excellent option for people who need flexible storage close to home. They’re relatively affordable and will keep your items safe when you don’t need them at your fingertips. People use storage units to keep bikes, winter clothes, kitchen appliances they don’t use frequently, and things like camping equipment.
When you need to grab something, all you have to do is zip over to the storage unit and fetch them. You get to keep your house free of clutter without having to throw away things you need. It’s a fantastic solution for people living in small spaces and families with children.

If you’re looking for a storage facility to store your belongings, SuperStorage San Diego has got you covered in this department. Here at SuperStorage San Diego, we offer a wide range of unit selections and top-notch security. To learn more about our self-storage facility, please check out our website at